"Human First Podcast", created by Alia Chan, registered clinical counsellor of Avery Therapy Centre, is a conversation focused on increasing mental awareness, normalizing struggle, and ending stigma. Each episode, Alia interviews various individuals who have agreed to share their personal stories towards a more positive mental wellbeing and who have now come to a place of peace in their healing.
Alia acknowledges that it can be extremely isolating to go through one's mental health journey, and the stigma that often comes with diagnoses, moments of vulnerability, and many other issues, can be tough to navigate. On “Human First Podcast”, Alia's intention behind this podcast is to help normalize the struggles of psychological health and to continue this discussion that is so needed in our world, especially now. Her goal after each episode is to leave you with hope, and through these personal stories show you that it's okay to struggle, it's okay to feel pain. Because above all, before any role, position, label or diagnosis you take, you are human first. And this is all part of the human experience.